Paraíso de las damas, d'Émile Zola.
A partir d’una història de amor
entre Octavi Mouret, el propietari d’uns grans magatzems i una de les seves dependentes
Denis, el realisme de Zola ens porta a veure la transformació urbanística de
Paris, les condicions de vida i laborals dels treballadors, l’origen d’una nova
classe social que està emergent i consolidant-se en el Paris de finals
del segle XIX, el rol de les dones en els diferents grups socials, i a la vegada ens mostra
com amb l'arribada de la Revolució Industrial fa que tot canvii i en
concret, la desaparició d’un tipus de comerç que poc a poc va
entrant en decadència davant l’esplendor d’aquests grans magatzems: les seves instal·lacions,
la varietat de productes concentrats en un mateix lloc, la llibertat del
comprador, el preu ...
En definitiva les noves formes
de venda amb tot el que això comportarà socialment i econòmicament.
Convertint-se en un nou centre de reunió on totes les classes socials tenien
cabuda. Democratitzant en certa manera la societat, assentant les bases
de l’origen d'una economia capitalista consumista del segle XX fins els nostres
dies. Una època apassionant!!!!
Rosa Figueras i Imma Pérez
Llicenciades en Geografia i Història
A historical novel reading club is a group of people who regularly meet to discuss and share their experiences reading novels set during specific historical periods. These well-researched novels provide a detailed and vivid view of the time, allowing readers to immerse themselves in different historical contexts while enjoying an intriguing history. Clubs allow participants to explore historical themes, characters, events, analyze the author's narrative and style, exchange book recommendations, discover new readings, and share opinions and viewpoints on the topics covered in the novels. Members choose a book to read together, then return to discuss it in depth, sharing impressions, interpretations, and reflections on the history and its characters. This type of club can be enriching for history and literature enthusiasts, as it combines the pleasure of reading with learning about different periods and cultures Abogado Delitos Sexuales de Northern Virginia.
ResponEliminaBy examining women's lives via literature, the "Historical Novel Reading Club: The Paradise of the Ladies" provides an engrossing trip into the past. Readers can interact with vivid female characters and rich historical narratives in this ideal setting. Right now, I am struggling to write the abstract for my bachelor's thesis. I am not sure what to include, but I know how vital it is. To obtain a better notion, I have been looking for an bachelor thesis abstract example, but I am still unsure if I am headed in the right direction. Does anyone have a good example or some advice to share? How do you make sure your abstract covers everything without being too long or short? I’d really appreciate any help or advice you can offer!